
We're here for you from start to finish

We'll make sure you have great understanding of the program so that you feel comfortable for the duration of your visit.

Step 1: Fill out the online application

Fill out the online application here on this website. Shortly after you've applied, a member of our team will be in touch with you and will arrange a no pressure, pre-screening interview.

Step 2: Pre-screening interview and documents

One of our team members will call you to connect on your plans see if you have any initial questions about the program. From there, you will need to fill out a more in-depth application and we will help you start the necessary items needed for the program such as getting a health examination, and we may ask you to provide personal references in some circumstances.

Once the more in-depth application is completed we will get you connected with our team in China to start the matching process.

Step 3: Matching with a host family

We will provide you with potential host family profiles to view on our custom online portal. You will consider each host family one at a time. Once you've found a family you think could be a good fit, we will arrange an introductory meeting shortly with the host family.

If the host family decides you're a good fit for them, you will have 48 hours to confirm if you would like to work with them or not. We typically find a successful match in less than a month from the point of your initial application.

Once a match is made, you and your host family will sign a placement agreement to finalize the tasks you will be undertaking during your stay and coordinating your schedule within the family.

Step 4: Visa Application and Pre-Departure

It is at this step that we will collect a $99 visa processing fee. We will provide you with the necessary visa application materials and will help you process and secure the necessary visa to come to China.

We will help you get personal insurance for your stay here in China to make sure you are protected during your stay. It's recommended to get additional insurance from your home country but that is up to you if you choose to do so.

We will also purchase and arrange your flight details to China. You will be provided with some training materials as well so that you can get a head start on preparing for your arrival in China.

Step 5: Traveling to and arriving in China

We will be with you on your journey to our office in Xuzhou, China and be there to pick you up when you arrive. Au Pairs receive a 3-day arrival training held at our corporate office where we will make sure you have all of the tools to complete the program successfully. Afterwards, you will be connected with your host family and you will begin working with them for the duration of your program.

Step 6: Program completion and returning home

Many people would like to travel around China further at the end of their program. If you're interested in exploring more of China, we can provide you with a visa extension to travel around China for 2-4 weeks before returning home. Whether you choose to do that or not, we will help you coordinate your flight and travel arrangements back to your home country.

So what are you waiting for?

Start your application to begin your journey as an Au Pair in China

Start Your Application